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tabMode - Static variable in class
TAG - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.ImageMatrixTouchHandler
TAG - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.ImageViewerCorrector
text - Static variable in class
text2 - Static variable in class
textAllCaps - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
TextAppearance - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a TextAppearance.
TextAppearance_android_shadowColor - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowColor attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_shadowDx - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowDx attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_shadowDy - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowDy attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_shadowRadius - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowRadius attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_textColor - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColor attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_textColorHint - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColorHint attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_textSize - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textSize attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_textStyle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textStyle attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_android_typeface - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.typeface attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_AppCompat - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body1 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body2 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Button - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Caption - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display1 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display2 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display3 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display4 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Headline - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_SearchResult_Subtitle - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_SearchResult_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Large - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Small - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Menu - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Info - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Info_Media - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Line2 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Line2_Media - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Media - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Time - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Time_Media - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Title_Media - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Subtitle - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Menu - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Colored - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Inverse - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_DropDownItem - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Header - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Large - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Small - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Switch - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Info - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Line2 - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Time - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Title - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_textAllCaps - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAllCaps attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance array.
TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_ExpandedMenu_Item - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Subtitle - Static variable in class
TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Title - Static variable in class
textAppearanceLargePopupMenu - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textAppearanceListItem - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textAppearanceListItemSmall - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textAppearancePopupMenuHeader - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textAppearanceSearchResultTitle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textColorAlertDialogListItem - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textColorSearchUrl - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
textSpacerNoButtons - Static variable in class
textSpacerNoTitle - Static variable in class
theme - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
Theme_AppCompat - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_DarkActionBar - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog_Alert - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog_MinWidth - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_DialogWhenLarge - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_NoActionBar - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Dialog - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_MinWidth - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_DialogWhenLarge - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light_DarkActionBar - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_Alert - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_MinWidth - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light_DialogWhenLarge - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_Light_NoActionBar - Static variable in class
Theme_AppCompat_NoActionBar - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_ActionBar - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark_ActionBar - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert - Static variable in class
ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light - Static variable in class
thickness - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
thumbTextPadding - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
thumbTint - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
thumbTintMode - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be one of the following constant values.
tickMark - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
tickMarkTint - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
tickMarkTintMode - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be one of the following constant values.
time - Static variable in class
title - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
title - Static variable in class
title_template - Static variable in class
titleDividerNoCustom - Static variable in class
titleMargin - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
titleMarginBottom - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
titleMarginEnd - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
titleMargins - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
titleMarginStart - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
titleMarginTop - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
titleTextAppearance - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
titleTextColor - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleTextStyle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
Toolbar - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a Toolbar.
Toolbar_android_gravity - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.gravity attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_android_minHeight - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.minHeight attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_buttonGravity - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonGravity attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_collapseContentDescription - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.collapseContentDescription attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_collapseIcon - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.collapseIcon attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_contentInsetEnd - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetEnd attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_contentInsetEndWithActions - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetEndWithActions attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_contentInsetLeft - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetLeft attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_contentInsetRight - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetRight attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_contentInsetStart - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetStart attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_contentInsetStartWithNavigation - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetStartWithNavigation attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_logo - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.logo attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_logoDescription - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.logoDescription attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_maxButtonHeight - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxButtonHeight attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_navigationContentDescription - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.navigationContentDescription attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_navigationIcon - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.navigationIcon attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_popupTheme - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupTheme attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_subtitle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitle attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_subtitleTextAppearance - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitleTextAppearance attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_subtitleTextColor - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitleTextColor attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_title - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.title attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleMargin - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMargin attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleMarginBottom - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginBottom attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleMarginEnd - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginEnd attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleMargins - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMargins attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleMarginStart - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginStart attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleMarginTop - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginTop attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleTextAppearance - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleTextAppearance attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
Toolbar_titleTextColor - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleTextColor attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar array.
toolbarNavigationButtonStyle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
toolbarStyle - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
top - Static variable in class
topPanel - Static variable in class
track - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?
trackTint - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
trackTintMode - Static variable in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.R.attr
Must be one of the following constant values.
translationExceedsBoundary(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.bogdwellers.pinchtozoom.view.ImageViewPager
Determines whether a translation makes the view exceed the boundary of a drawable.